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How you see the world

Every university teaches from a worldview, and that worldview will shape the way you see—and live with—reality.


The Millis Institute teaches the truths of the Christian worldview as it has influenced and developed throughout Western civilization.  We are committed to the conviction that the world was created by the Triune God, who invested creation with various orders that can be studied, known and embodied:

a numerical order

giving rise to mathematical  truth

a logical order

that we can grasp through reason

a spatial order

yielding shapes, angles & movement

a musical or poetic order

evoking beauty and delight

a moral order

resonating with our conscience

a spiritual order

in communion with the divine

a physical order

that we can observe and measure

The degrees we offer enable students to discern truth, goodness and beauty in these various creational orders (through subjects like logic, rhetoric, music, geometry, ethics and theology).  Our unique curriculum also trains students to bring historical, literary, philosophical and theological perspectives to bear on central human questions from a Christian perspective.    


The goal is to help students bring a Christ-centred worldview to bear on every dimension of reality, so that they might know, love and live well in the world.

Contact us at or (07) 3347 7900

CRICOS Provider Name: Christian Heritage College | CRICOS Provider Number: 01016F

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