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Executive Director

The Millis Institute is led by Dr Ryan Messmore (DPhil Oxford).  Originally from the States, Messmore brings to the institute his personal love for and experience in liberal arts education; he received a Bachelor of Arts from Duke University, master's degrees from Duke Divinity School and Cambridge, and a doctorate from Oxford. 


Messmore is the author of In Love: The Larger Story of Sex and Marriage, which was published by Connor Court in February 2017.

His various work experiences testify to the flexibility of arenas that the liberal arts

can prepare you to pursue.  Before moving to Brisbane, Dr Messmore served as President of Campion College, a liberal arts college in Sydney. He has also served as a research fellow at The Heritage Foundation, the largest research and education institution (a.k.a. “think tank”) in Washington, DC. His research and writing examined how religious commitments are brought to bear on political life to improve public discourse and strengthen civil society.  His commentary and analysis have appeared in major newspapers such as The Washington Times and The Australian, online venues such as and, and in national magazines such as First Things, Touchstone, and Comment.


Messmore was also founding Director of Trinity Forum Academy in Royal Oak, MD. The program, which he designed and oversaw from 2001-2006, offers recent college graduates a nine-month residential program of advanced course work in theology and cultural engagement.


Dr Messmore is a triplet, which helps to explain his passion for teaching about the importance of the Trinity for Christian faith.  He currently resides with his wife and three children in Brisbane. 


To view some of Dr Messmore's research interests, publications and presentations, see his full bio here or visit


Contact us at or (07) 3347 7900

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